Light a Candle for Rosie

This candle was lit on the morning our baby Rosie died, at 12 weeks in utero. As the candle melted and got closer to the wick, it should have put itself out but it continued to get brighter and start on fire! The flame grew and grew and even made a hissing sound as it consumed the wick and wax. It had to be Rosie's spirit. Eventually we heard a crack, and the heat of the burning wax/candle cracked the crystal candle holder with a very loud sound and the glass flew onto the plate below.

Such a bright flame for such a short life.
We were truly blessed.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

what I meant to say

The post entitled "it sucks" is an excerpt from an email I sent to a friend a couple of days after the first ultrasound that confirmed what I already knew--that baby Rosie was dead. Rereading it. I see what I left out--my thoughts and feelings and the things I repeated over and over that fateful morning on February 23, 2010. So I will share them with you now in pieces:

No!!!! Not me! Not my baby!
Please baby, stay with me.
Mommy loves you.

I love you and I want you to stay
but if you must go,
I release you.
Que sera, sera
whatever will be will be...

I release you.
I release you.

I love you baby.

If you must go, I will 
let you go.  
But you must know, I love you 
and I want you to stay.  
Stay, stay, stay.
Please stay.

I release you.
I will not hold you back.
I will understand if you must go.
But I will be sad.

*   *   *    *   *
More blood,
bright red blood,
right as my hubby and
daughter pulled out of
the driveway.
All alone with the reality
that my baby really is dead.
I am now one of those people
I read about.
Like so many friends who have lost
babies before me.
Death is not going to spare me.

Something is wrong with me.
That's why my baby died.
What was I exposed to?
Is this because I had pneumonia
in the beginning?
Because I took the antibiotics?
Because I didn't take them soon enough?
Because I took goldenseal and licorice root
and other herbs when I didn't know I 
was pregnant?
Because I didn't eat much when I was sick?
Did I take too much of one vitamin?
Not enough?
Is this because my dad said those mean
things when he found out I was pregnant?
Did his hatred kill my baby?

I always said I wanted two kids.
Is that why this baby died?
Because I didn't say I wanted 3?
Was it because I wondered how
I would take care of 3 children 
when I only have 2 hands?

NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!
(hitting pillow)
Why? Why? Why?
Sobbing, gasping for air,
sinking into my bed
as the world around me
swirls.  The cruel world.
The one that robbed me
of a dream.


This isn't happening.
Maybe I'm just spotting.
Some women bleed in pregnancy and they are just fine.
I will call my doctor and ask her 
what else bleeding could mean.
Oh good, she has some thoughts.
I might be okay.
I'm overreacting. 
I'm being dramatic--like my mom always said when I was little.

I'm going to be okay.
This will not destroy ME.
I will be different.
I will not be crushed.
I am a strong person.
I will not cry,
will not be depressed.
I will not let this ruin me.
I will not fall apart.

I have the power to bleed and not die.
Oh, god, what if I bleed to death?
What if my husband comes home and
finds me in a pool of blood.

Please let me die too.

Who is holding my baby now?
Was there anyone to greet her
as she went into the light?
Who will she recognize?

I will never see my baby.
Will never hold her 
or look into her eyes
or feel her soft skin.

This is so unfair.


  1. i remember suffocating under those unanswered questions as well. tomorrow is the third anniversary of my miscarriage. i'm glad you have words to carry you through this time. i could never have made it without writing. thank you for inviting me into this sacred space, my thoughts are with you.

  2. oh amy i think you must cry and fall apart and come back together agin.
    death rearranges us.
    we just need to turn our face to the sun
    rosie will be there warming your face.

  3. i echo kristin and shawna's sentiments.
